12 Business Lessons from Seth Godin – Steve Glaveski

Steve Glaveski exposes his view following a discussion with marketing luminary, Seth Godin, for an episode of the Future Squared podcast.

Seth Godin (Also look at Steve Glaveski)

Here are the main lines

The Lessons

1. Stop doing things that don’t support the achievement of your goals

2. You need to have insurance

3. Don’t compare yourself to Google

4. Followers aren’t followers

5. Don’t forget the V in MVP

6. Stick around long enough so people come to trust you

7. You are complicit in shaping your company’s culture and your path

8. Signal reproductive fitness (or just that you’re really good at what you do)

9. The assembly line is great, providing the world stands still

10. It’s a “no… for now”

11. Hire for Diversity of Thought

12. “If you can help it, get as far away from Silicon Valley as you can”


Stay safe !


The future is a place you got to create …

Nancy Duarte Ted talk - The structure of a great talk

From the “I have a dream” speech to Steve Jobs’ iPhone launch, many great talks have a common structure that helps their message resonate with listeners.

In this talk, presentation expert Nancy Duarte shares practical lessons on how to make a powerful call-to-action.

… “It’s really not the whole world I can change.” But you know, you can change your world. You can change your life. You can change the world that you have control over, you can change your sphere. I want to encourage you to do that. Because you know what? The future isn’t a place that we’re going to go. It’s a place that you get to create.

Platform Business Models

Have you ever thought of exploring the concept of platform recently ?

If not, it’s maybe time for it …

SANGEET PAUL CHOUDARY can help you dive into the platform world.

And if you want to go deeper, I would recommend you to read his blog on platformthinkinglabs.com : http://platformthinkinglabs.com

The Platform Design Toolkit from Simone Cicero can also help you create great platforms

Have fun creating or improving your own platform !



It’s time to build your bridge …

It’s time to build your bridge from the idea you on on side to it’s realization on the other side.

Move on … just a single step forward !


We all have that idea that we cant shake out of our head, the one that we think about in the shower or daydream about. Entrepreneur Job Gebbia, shares how his team grew their idea, Airbnb, into a national startup the hard way: by staying lean, “doing things that don’t scale” like meeting users one at a time, and by taking one small step at a time.

look for more on 99U

Getting Dreams out of Your Head – Darren Rowse

Darren Rowse spoke on the topic of ‘Getting Dreams out of Your Head‘ at at the World Domination Summit in Portland (USA) and covered quite a bit of ground.

In this video you’ll see the full keynote and hear about:

  • How Darren started my first business at 9
  • The words an ex-girlfriend said that changed his life
  • The 4 words that started him blogging and changed the trajectory of his life
  • A close encounter he had with Russell Brand in a mens bathroom
  • Where to look for your ‘next big thing’
  • The two questions he ask myself every day that have unlocked some amazing opportunities for him

When do you start getting YOUR dreams out of YOUR head ?

A resource for change makers

Bringing people together is pretty easy, but building working relationships and solidifying an organization with shared purpose is a challenge.

Frog Design put this free downloadable resource together to help make that work less of a struggle.
(via REconomy – a Transition Network project)

The Collective Action Toolkit (CAT) is a package of resources and activities that enable groups of people anywhere to organize, build trust, and collaboratively create solutions for problems impacting their community. The toolkit provides a dynamic framework that integrates knowledge and action to solve challenges. Designed to harness the benefits of group action and the power of open sharing, the activities draw on each participant’s strengths and perspectives as the group works to accomplish a common goal.

A resource for change makers

Link : http://www.frogdesign.com/collective-action-toolkit

The Icarus launch …

Yesterday, Seth Godin launched a project on Kickstarter for his new book “The Icarus deception: Why make Art?”

Here are some reflection on the launch itself :
Reflections on today’s Kickstarter

First, thank you to my amazing readers. To say that I had an overwhelming day is a bit of an understatement. The Kickstarter reached its goal in record time, less than three hours after I first posted it. We met and then blew away the stated goal. It means a lot to me that you’re so connected and generous.

As promised, I’m going to do a few updates to share data and insights that might help the next person.

You can learn from this and start to build your own triiibe !
