Linchpin for iPad is now on iTunes

In bestsellers like Purple Cow and Tribes, Seth Godin taught readers how to make remarkable products and spread powerful ideas.
But LINCHPIN is different. It’s about you–—your choices, your future, and your potential to make a huge difference in whatever field you choose.

Linchpin on iPad

Just launched: Linchpin on the Vook on the iPad
The details are right here. Created by Vook, based on the hardcover.
Includes new video and interviews with some interesting folks…

Linchpin, by Seth Godin: A Review & Fighting with my Lizard Brain

Initially, my intention was to title this review:  “Four Days I Spent with Seth Godin.” Unfortunately, my lizard brain wouldn’t allow it because I didn’t really spend four days with Seth Godin, but reading Linchpin made me feel as though I did.  Reading Linchpin made me feel as though I was hanging out with Seth, walking the streets of New York City with him, and absorbing his teachings.  He would point out people who were Linchpins and why.

(more there …)

ED WELCH – July 22, 2010