What’s next : Marc Luyckx Ghisi Surgissement d’un nouveau monde

A new world is emerging …

Marc Luyckx Ghisi : Surgissement d'un nouveau monde (in french)

Explore what are the Cultural Creatives :

Cette expression a été inventée par Paul Ray et Sherry Anderson dans leur livre: The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World (Harmony Books, Oct 2000), traduit en français aux éditions Yves Michel, sous le titre: L’émergence des créatifs culturels.

Links :

    (en) culturalcreatives.org/​
    (fr) creatifs-culturels.fr/​
    (fr) creatifsculturels.be/​
    (fr) onnouscachetout.com/​themes/​societe/​creatifs-culturels.php
    (fr) yvesmichel.org blog des éditions Yves Michel, l’éditeur des deux ouvrages parus en France sur les Créatifs Culturels
    (fr) radio-canada.ca/​emissions/​par_4_chemins/​2008-2009/​index.asp, sous le titre « Vers l’intériorité citoyenne », une lecture de l’ouvrage d’Yves Michel par Jacques Languirand, l’animateur de l’émission de radio Par 4 chemins.

Les héros anonymes

Plongez avec elle dans un Esprit: celui des “Héros Anonymes”, ces personnes qui, dans l’ombre, font la Révolution.


L’idée maîtresse est de révéler des anonymes généreux et courageux qui font de la France un grand pays de la solidarité.
Les maîtres mots sont : solidarité, action, proximité et divertissement.

(Pour en savoir plus Dreamshake.com)

Le jeu de carte du linchpin …

Si vous regardez le jeu de cartes que Fabian a préparé pour cette rencontre du 14 juin, vous pourrez imaginer qu’il est possible sur cette base d’initier les contacts entre les participants.

The Linchpins cards game …

Nous vous proposons une traduction de ces textes, traduction que vous pouvez améliorer, mettre en forme en utilisant les fichiers Indesign et en remplaçant la version anglaise par la française.

La proposition de traduction :

Les cartes prêtes à être imprimées et découpées :

Bon amusement !


Seven Tips for a Successful Meetup

Squidoo meetup

Our friends from Squidoo have a great post about Meetups :

Seven Tips for a Successful Meetup
May 29th, 2010 by kimberly

The idea of meeting virtual friends in real life can be scary.

“What if they don’t like me?”
“What if it’s awkward?”
“What will we talk about?”

Planning an event with so many unknowns can be a challenge, but it isn’t impossible.
Here are seven simple tips for making your Squidoo Worldwide Meetup Day event exciting and memorable.

– Make it free.
– Provide food.
– Find a flexible venue.
– Have a Plan B.
– Give them something to talk about.
– Bring non-lensmasters. (replace that by new linchpins)
– Put names and faces with…faces.

The Worldwide Squidoo Meetup Day! page is here

Discover more ideas on that page … I particularly love the “Make it a picnic!”

The Linchpins cards game …

Fabian has done a very great work preparing cards to play the 14th of june at the Linchpins meetup.

[Update: now also available French and German…]

Linchpin cards

Hey Linchpins.

Just some notes regarding these PDFs and how to use them:

If you know how to do it, you can print and cut them yourself at home.

Runs with more than ten or twenty sheets are better given to a copyshop. Just call them about the details (invest as much in the paper quality as possible), mail them the pdf and pick up later or the next day. You will probably still have to sort them yourself into decks 😉

Since they are business-card format, they fit into any standard business card box to have them with you all the time. Give them out to people or just leave them somewhere as mini-flyers. If I had found any of those quotes in the subway, in the club or at university, I would have been hooked. Quality paper gives them a valuable feeling, so people will probably keep them (remember that business card scene from American Psycho?).

Another possibility is to print them on sheets of adhesive paper and make stickers. Copyshops will probably not have these adhesive papers in stock, so you would have to get them yourself at a business supply and bring them with you.

Examples would be “Avery 3478” (A4) or “Avery 5165” (US letter). They’re not exactly cheap, but each sheet gives you ten stickers.

Meetup-Organizers: a deck of cards and/or stickers makes a great gift to participants…

Have fun and spread the word 😉


Based on the posters idea (see here)

The pdfs in two formats and three languages :





The Indesign formats are available on demand (Wp doesn’t accept the upload of a .zip format):

The texts if you want to translate them in your language (please send us the translations afterwards to post here) :
Linchpins_cards_en for translations – Linchpins_cards_en.doc